Sky Curse: The Chosen Five
* Winner of a November 2022 Literary Titan Silver Book Award
* Winner of a 2022 silver Global Book Award in "Teen Sci-Fi" category
* Winner of a 2022 silver Global Book Award in "Teen Fantasy Fiction" category
* Finalist of a 2022 Global Book Award in "Sci-Fi" category
* Readers' Favourite 5 Stars Reviews
* Rave Reviews

Sky Curse: The Chosen Five
She lost her words in her dreams, she's about to awaken and find her inner voice
The Sky Curse series follows Cecilia Miller, a coder of artificial dreams living in the year 2045. It’s a time when climate chaos has become the norm and the collective mental health of humanity has fallen to a grave state. The world’s population has grown to a horrific twenty-five billion people, maxing Earth to its limit. Most are planning to abandon Earth and leave it to its fate as they colonize a new world through Titan pioneering. However, there are those who still hold on to hope for Earth and a humanity untainted by AI. As humanity struggles to survive, it seems like only technology can help, and Cecilia is determined to be the one to bring it about. When planet Earth faces apocalyptic events, she must summon her resolve and resilience if she’s to have a chance to save this world.

In The Press 2013-2016

October 8, 2014 The Chronicle Herald:
...Her first book of poetry, Reaching Beyond Ourselves: Leading a Spiritual, Peaceful and Diverse World ($25, Top Publishing House), placed first in the Hollywood based...International Competition... Ruby's own verse recalls the humanism and mysticism of William Blake...
Such lines are earnest, won from trials: Ruby was born in Ukraine, then emigrated to Israel, and is now a Haligonian.
Ruby's reminiscences about her life in multicultural Israel and her celebration of Jewish heritage are impassioned:
"Jewish people of strong and true faith/
Always try to give to the world/More
goodness than they take from it./It's
called in Hebrew 'Tikun Olam,' healing
the world."
While Ruby's verses are likely better thought songs, her own art --photographs -- are quite compelling, very beautiful. She has added to the visual power of her book by choosing well images by Forrestall and Silverberg -- and by Natan Nevo and Frank Kravetz, two other European-born artists who, like Ruby, have made themselves homes in Halifax. Their works are also very fine.
Ruby's prize-winning book deserves appreciation, for her articulation of her
heartfelt beliefs and for her presentation of her impressive art and that of others".
George Elliott Clarke (Former Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate)

"This book is a song for peace"
Cynthia Whitcomb in preface to Reaching Beyond Ourselves (Emmy Nominated Writer)

"Self-published books are rarely nominated for awards, but Ruby’s collection of verse won a 2014 Beverly Hills Book Award in the poetry category. And one of the poems, The Dancing Phoenix, received a poetry award in ArtAscent magazine’s 2013 international competition."
November 3, 2014: Canadian Jewish News

Shalom Magazine Spring 2016, Atlantic Jewish Council