October 8, 2014 The Chronicle Herald:
...Her first book of poetry, Reaching Beyond Ourselves: Leading a Spiritual, Peaceful and Diverse World ($25, Top Publishing House), placed first in the Hollywood based...International Competition... Ruby's own verse recalls the humanism and mysticism of William Blake.
...Such lines are earnest, won from trials:
Ruby was born in Ukraine, then emigrated to Israel, and is now a Haligonian.
Ruby's reminiscences about her life in
multicultural Israel and her celebration
of Jewish heritage are impassioned:
"Jewish people of strong and true faith/
Always try to give to the world/More
goodness than they take from it./It's
called in Hebrew 'Tikun Olam,' healing
the world."
While Ruby's verses are likely better
thought songs, her own art -- paintings
and/or photographs -- are quite compelling, very beautiful.
She has added to the visual power of her
book by choosing well images by Forrestall
and Silverberg -- and by Natan Nevo
and Frank Kravetz, two other European-
born artists who, like Ruby, have
made themselves homes in Halifax.
Their works are also very fine.
Ruby's prize-winning book deserves appreciation,
for her articulation of her
heartfelt beliefs and for her presentation
of her impressive art and that of others".